Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Major and Minor Keys

So, in a nutshell...

I hate school. Unfortunately, it has become a passion of mine. I have hated school for over a year now. I started college as a Music Education Major. There has only been 3 years of my entire life where I didn't want to be a music teacher, and those happened to be 3 of the years I was in school. I changed my major every August, until my senior year. That's when I decided that I had to stick with something so I could be done with classes. Therefore, I got stuck with being a Spanish major. I lack a lot of confidence in my Spanish skills, and only the Lord knows why He wanted me to get this degree. I'm self-conscious everytime someone asks what I'm majoring in, and I hate reading the different responses on their faces. No, I'm not fluent.

Being a foreign language major has opened up a whole new world of cultures to me. I am grateful for that. But, for now, I will be grateful when this last Spanish class is over (which will be on Thursday, praise the Lord. That is, of course, if I pass it. I have never failed a class before, but I'm always paranoid that I will. Sometimes I pray for a D's, and end up with straight B's. So, there's probably no need to worry about this grade, but I can't seem to help it.) After that, I'll be one online class away from graduating in August.

Although I passionately hate school-- I love college. I truly believe that my personality was made to be in a college environment. Its the perfect place to be involved in the lives of people around you. I love being in big groups of people, and I love having heart-to-hearts just one on one. I stay up late, and I love being loud.

This is one of many reasons why I am excited about the job I have. I'm going to be working with Campus Outreach, a college ministry on small college campuses all over the Southeast. I will be able to do all of the things I love to do--for a living. Isn't that what everyone dreams about? Better yet, I know it will be for the Glory of the Lord. Couldn't ask for anything more. Granted, it will be tough. A lot. But, at the root of it, I have to remember that it is such a blessing and a privilege.

I don't know how long I will work with Campus Outreach. I'll start with 3 years. I might continue to work with them, or I might consider other options depending on where the Lord has me. I have trouble seeing the value of planning for life too far in advance when 3 years ago had a completely different plan for my life. Who knows what things will be like 3 years from now.

Some options I have considered: teaching Spanish or English as a second language, finding another ministry to be a part of (especially overseas somewhere) or, if I'm really feelin' froggy-- Flight Attending. Sounds funny, but I think it'd be a blast! I love the idea of serving, meeting, and having long conversations with random people. Why not?

At the end of the day though, I miss the idea of teaching music. I have a strong passion for it, and I believe I'll end up doing that one way or another.

Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."


  1. That confidence in what you want to do, acceptance and enjoyment of what you don't know, and most of all trust and reliance in Gods plan for you says to me "ive got it, and I'm living the dream". Keep being a shining light darlin :)!

  2. You will be fabulous at whatever you choose. Of course, I'm biased and would absolutely LOVE seeing you teach in some capacity. I love you and miss you.
