A couple weeks ago I found one of the many journals I kept as a kid. This one was very similar to all the others. It started with a decent entry... then the next page i had drawn several flowers... the rest was empty.
Its been 9 months since I've written a post on here. Typical.
It'd be typical for me to say "A lot has changed, but a lot has stayed the same"... but really, just a lot has changed. Everyday I get farther away from life on campus as a student and closer to life on campus as a...non-student. This in between part is weird.
In the last 9 months, I was a Team Leader at SBPX, had the best summer I've ever had...ever. I graduated from the University of Montevallo with a Foreign Language degree. That's fitting, since Spanish is still foreign to me. I have been on the road toward raising my support to go on staff with Campus Outreach, and I've raised 18.8% of it. I've worked at a Waffle House and a Daycare.
You could describe my life as consistently inconsistent. In the past, I struggled with not finishing things that I started. That's something I've wanted to grow in for a while. I'd say now.. I have become more consistent. I am moving toward being the type of person who finishes what she starts. I am consistent now... just inconsistently.
Now, if that isn't just a bunch of babble, I don't know what is.