Here is my CELEBRATORY blog post! I have raised 100% of my support goal!!
Its supposed to feel like a huge weight off my shoulders and it does! ...but its not a completely closed chapter in my life since I still have to raise another 5% for a 'safety net' and will ultimately be living off, and therefore raising support for the rest of my time with C.O. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the reality that I'm out of the wilderness of support raising and I get to start on campus next Monday after Spring Break. BUT overall, its exciting! It feels like such a treat! A gift from God... just like my salvation! I'd love to be able to be at 105% by next Monday so its completely off my radar for awhile.
In other news -- I completely love my life. I could have been quoted saying "The only way my life could be better is if I was done raising support" ... well guess what! My life couldn't be any better! I'm in love with Florence, my church Redeemer (going through the New Members class in a few weeks!), my apartment, my roomies, my friends here.... and I love my sweet family that still loves me and is for me at home in Birmingham, and in Illinois. I've never been more content in my singleness, with no hint of bitterness in it. I'm livin' my dream! :) :)
I've got nothing that I HAVE to do today... which means I get to do a lot of stuff that I want to. And since I am an ESTP, I'm excited to just see what happens. I'm going to enjoy doing whatever it is I feel like doing and what the moment calls for. No to-do list for this girl-- and just watch how productive I'll be. Take that you J's!!
Here are my options: I'm currently reading 3 different books, with a 4th book (about myers briggs) that I've been studying a lot lately that I'd like to look at today... I'd like to finish organizing my bathroom and junk. I'd love to hang up all my awesome mirrors on my awesome mirror wall that I'm creating... I also have some TV to catch up on since I've been working on support all day everyday! haha!
I may do those things, or none of those things. and I love that. :)