I remember hearing several metaphors growing up that I took literally. For example, my very first favorite song (was released in 1990 so I was only about 2) was "Put Yourself in My Shoes" by Clint Black... its a clever song about seeing things from each others perspective to work out your problems, with a witty line 'if I could only put myself in your shoes, I'd walk right back to me' Well, as a non-2 year old, I understand what this line is supposed to mean, but at the time-- I vividly remember picturing Clint Black walking around in red high-heels.
Also, 'listen with your heart' I think I got this one from Pocahontas... I remember sitting on the steps of my back porch with my fingers in my ears, trying to drown out the noise of everything else besides my heart. Obviously, I didn't hear anything.
Luckily I never experimented with "walking by faith and not by sight" as a young kid. Coulda been bad. But lately, I've been learning so much about what it means to do that.
I've been raising support to work with Campus Outreach for over 6 months. Before I started, I said I was excited about the challenge it would bring because I knew I'd have no other options but to depend on the Lord. Boy, has that been true. I was well trained in how to do it, and I knew what needed to be done, but I had to lean on the Lord to keep me going, and to produce results. In a way, I was walking by faith... but I was also walking by sight. I could see how results were possible and probable. But now, as my contact list is looking trim, I'm being forced to walk by faith alone.
This is really scary. And now would be the time I would expect myself to be super discourage and near a meltdown. Instead, I am learning so much about faith, that I am welcoming this. Of course I've had faith in things before. But its definition was intangible to me. And although its hard to put into words here, I'm seeing the act of having faith take form.
I could consider my first priority be support raising. But ultimately, my first priority is to fix my eyes on Him. He will guide my steps as I continue to work toward my goal.
I have faith that the Lord will provide for me to do His will. I cannot see how He will do it. But I believe He is at work.
The words of this song perfectly describe this:
"By faith the church was called to go
In the power of the Spirit to the lost
To deliver captives and to preach good news
In every corner of the earth
We will stand as children of the promise
We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward
Till the race is finished and the work is done
We'll walk by faith and not by sight
By faith this mountain shall be moved
And the power of the gospel shall prevail
For we know in Christ all things are possible
For all who call upon His name"
- 'By Faith' by Keith and Kristyn Getty